Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Aluminum vs Aluminium Element Names

Aluminum vs Aluminium Element Names Aluminum and aluminium are two names for element 13 on the periodic table. In both cases, the element symbol is Al, although Americans and Canadians spell and pronounce the name aluminum, while the British (and most of the rest of the world) use the spelling and pronunciation of aluminium. Origin of Two Names The origin of the two names may be attributable to elements discoverer, Sir Humphry Davy, Websters Dictionary, or the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). In 1808, Sir Humphry Davy identified the existence of the metal in alum, which he at first named alumium and later aluminum. Davy proposed the name aluminum when referring to the element in his 1812 book Elements of Chemical Philosophy, despite his previous use of alumium. The official name  aluminium was adopted to conform with the -ium names of most other elements. The 1828 Websters Dictionary used the aluminum spelling, which it maintained in later editions. In 1925, the American Chemical Society (ACS) decided to go from aluminium back to the original aluminum, putting the United States in the aluminum group. In recent years, the IUPAC had identified aluminium as the proper spelling, but it didnt catch on in North America, since the ACS used aluminum. The  IUPAC  periodic table presently lists both spellings and says both words are perfectly acceptable.   History of the Element Guyton de Morveau (1761) called alum, a base which had been known to the ancient Greeks and Romans, by the name alumine. Davy identified the existence of aluminum, but he didnt isolate the element. Friedrich Wà ¶hler isolated aluminum in 1827 by mixing anhydrous aluminium chloride with potassium. Actually, though, the metal was produced two years earlier, though in impure form, by the Danish physicist and chemist Hans Christian Ørsted. Depending on your source, the discovery of aluminum is credited to either Ørsted or Wà ¶hler. The person who discovers an element gets the privilege of naming it; however, with this element, the identity of the discoverer is as disputed as the name. Correct Spelling The IUPAC has determined either spelling is correct and acceptable. However, the accepted spelling in North America is aluminum, while the accepted spelling just about everywhere else is aluminium.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Neon essays

Neon essays Neon, meaning new in Greek, was discovered by two British chemists Sir William Ramsay and Morris W. Travers. They discovered the element in the atmosphere while they were studying liquid air. It was separated from other inert gases. This was in the year 1898. Ramsay had predicted the existince of this element two years before in 1897. Neon makes up about 1 part per 65,000 in the earth's atmosphere. It is a colorless, oderless gas. It doesn't readily react with other substances. It does make a compound with fluorine. Neon is classified as a noble gas. The symbol for Neon is Ne. It has the atomic number 10 and an atomic weight of 20.179. Neon is an element that makes up a tiny fraction of the earth's atmosphere. In group 18 of the periodic table, neon is one of the noble gases. It also constitutes 18 parts per 1 million in the atmosphere. Neon occurs naturally in three stable isotopic forms: neon-20, which is the most abundant isotope, neon-22, and neon-21. The first demonstration of the existence of a stable isotope in an element was performed with neon in 1912. Neon can be bought commercially as a by-product of a liquid air manufacture. Neon liquifies under normal pressure at -246.048 degrees celcious, and freezes at -248.67 degrees celcious Liquid neon is used as a cryogenic refrigerant . It has over 40 times more refrigerating capacity per unit volume than liquid helium. When air is liquified at about -200 degrees celcious, Neon is left as a gas. Neon is expensive, but very little of this element is needed for lamps. Neon signs use one quart per 200 to 300 feet of tubing. Liquid Neon is often used as a low-temperature cooling agent. Neon produces a crimson glow in a vacuum electric-discharge tube and is used extensively in the familiar neon light of advertising displays. The term neon light is often incorrectly applied to discharge tubes filled with gases other than ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Supreme court decisions and discussions on the exclusionary rule Research Paper

Supreme court decisions and discussions on the exclusionary rule - Research Paper Example The exclusionary rule was initiated from the Weeks v. United States 232 U.S. 383, 34 S. Ct. 341, 58 L. Ed. 652 (1914) case where a Federal agent had carried out a search without warrant in order to collect proof of gambling in Freemont Weeks’ residence. The evidence proved Weeks guilty but since the search was illegal or warrantless, conviction of the accused was repealed. Weeks was found guilty of fraudulent mail related activities and his house was thoroughly searched and documents seized by the Federal and local officials. Before this case the validity of evidence was judged by its truthfulness. There were two major reasons given for this law. First, it involved the deterrence rationale which specified that ‘the rule was necessary to deter law enforcement personnel from violating the Fourth Amendment or to â€Å"police the police†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ (Hensely and Snook, 2006, p.160). The second reason concerned due process argument or the fairness rationale. This included that the federal government cannot attain convictions with the help of lawless actions. Thus any evidence collected unconstitutionally would not hold for a case even if the accused is found guilty on the basis of that evidence. The rule was formed through this case and was subject to controversies since then. The controversies found existence in Warren, Burger and Rehnquist courts. In fact Lee Epstein and Thomas Walk observe â€Å"the exclusionary rule provides yet another example of Warren Court’s revolutionary treatment of the rights of the criminally accused† (Hensely and Snook, 2006, p.160). In fact in the Wolf v Colorado case the Vinson Court declined to apply this law because most of the states had not adopted the rule and there were other options to ensure sustenance of the Fourth Amendment. In the Warren Court the case of Mapp v Ohio (1961) enforced the exclusionary rule (Hensely and Snook, 2006, p.161). On the other hand individuals cannot receive Fourth Amend ment protection unless they are not able to demonstrate the reasons behind their expectation of privacy regarding the place where searches and seized are happened. According to the Supreme Court of US individuals can have a rational expectation of privacy respect to their own bodies, homes, business offices and others personal properties. Individuals can also enjoy a reliable expectation of privacy in terms of their automobiles. Generally people do not possess reasonable expectation of things like â€Å"vehicle location and paint, garbage left at roadside for collection, public place, bank records and the things left open at public place† (LII, 2010). Miranda warnings come into question with respect to the Fifth Amendment where the suspect when retained for any interrogation should be given a warning before questioning. This warning refers to the right of a criminal suspect to remain silent during interrogation and the warning must be given to him with respect to the use of a ny statement against the person which may be termed as self-incrimination during the trial. this rule can protect the suspect against any â€Å"psychological ploys†