Tuesday, January 21, 2020

The Hurricane, Directed by Norman Jewison Essays -- Movie Review, Film

I have recently viewed the film ‘The Hurricane’, directed by Norman Jewison and starring Denzel Washington as Rubin ‘Hurricane’ Carter, the boxer jailed for crimes he did not commit. This emotional drama is a fantastic watch, with Rubin and his friends battling for his freedom after twenty years of unfair punishment. This film has been a hit all over the world and not only is it a great watch worth every penny but it sends out messages about believing in yourself and never giving up in what you believe. This action packed review will attempt to talk you through this roller-coaster of a story. Hold on tight! Rubin Carter was born May 6th 1937 in Patterson New Jersey, the fourth of seven children to parents with in a stable marriage. Rubin earned himself a criminal record at the age of 14 and was sent to a juvenile reformatory. He escaped from the juvenile centre and joined the army at age 17 but was a poor soldier and was discharged from service after 21 months of his three year service. After being released from the army he returned to New Jersey and was picked up by the authorities and sentenced to an additional ten months for escaping. Shortly after being released he was arrested for a series of street muggings, including a black, middle-aged woman and served four years behind bars. All of this adds up to a large criminal record and one of the possible reasons Carter was thought to have committed the murders for which he was jailed. Despite this, Rubin Carter is portrayed as the victim in the film, a bold choice by Jewison but one that works well as he was released from prison some t wenty years later and this makes for a good story with a happy ending when Carter is released, finally winning the biggest fight of his life - ... ...close-ups used on Rubin’s face showing the beads of sweat dripping down his face shows how hard his life in prison is and how he is suffering, again this may have been intentionally used by Jewison to create a feeling of sympathy. Another important feature is the soundtrack to a film which can add to the atmosphere and in this scene a slow and sad tune is played which fits in with the cinematography of the scene and the happier times in the film, when he is released for instance, happier music is played – the Bob Dylan song ‘Hurricane’ is used for example. To conclude I believe that ‘The Hurricane’ is an excellent production which Norman Jewison should be more than proud of. The cast was expertly chosen and definitely produce the goods in front of the camera. The cinematography and soundtracks add to the felling and is definitely a film worth seeing.

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